Squishy Milk Bread Rolls

Squishy Milk Bread Rolls
just starting second rise


- 45g Milk  (or rough 1/4 cup)

-45g Water (or rough 1/4 cup)

-15g Bread Flour (2 Tbsp)


- 325g Bread Flour (or 2 2/3 cups)

-50g Sugar (or 1/3 cup)

-5g Yeast (or 1 tsp)

-110g Warm Milk (about 86F) (or 1/2 cup)

-8g Salt (or 1.5 tsp)

-1 Egg

-60g Butter -room temp- (or 3 Tbsp )

-Egg wash (1 Egg + 1 TBSP milk stirred together)

Bring the 45g milk and 45g water to a simmer, whisk in 15g Bread flour.  Cook this paste stirring constantly for 30 seconds until no longer lumpy and  it has become thickened, set aside to cool 10 minutes.  Next, in stand mixer bowl combine milk, yeast, sugar, egg, flour, tangzhong starter, and mix on medium low speed until combined.

Slowly add in softened butter 1 small piece at a time until creamed into dough  Mix on high speed for additional 1 minute and then let rise on counter for 90ish minutes covered.

Divide into 9- 75g dough balls 7. Roll tightly and place seam side down spread 3x3 pcs in an 8"x8" cake pan (about 3 inches deep).  Cover and let proof on counter for 90 more minutes or roughly 2 to 2.5 times larger.  

Brush with eggwash ( 1 egg plus 1 tbsp milk stirred together) and bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes (bake dark) Brush rolls with melted butter when they come out of oven.